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(Photo Gallery)GEOPARKS2012-第5回ジオパーク国際ユネスコ会議

GEOPARKS2012 Photo Gallery

5th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks ended successfully thanks to the cooperation with GGN, APGN, JPN, the Japanese government, Nagasaki prefectural government and related organizations. We had 593 participants gathered from 31 countries and regions, the largest number ever. In addition, about 5,300 citizens joined related events of the conference including public forum during12-15 May. We greatly appreciate your participation and support. Click the link to see the conference photos. 







Opening Ceremony(開会式)


Intorducttion of  new GGN members(GGN認定記念品贈呈式)


  Keynote  (基調講演)


 Oral  Session (オーラルセッション)


Poster Session (ポスターセッション、ブース)


Public Poster Session 一般ポスター発表




 The situation around the hall(会場周辺風景)



Geo Marche (ジオまるしぇ)




Public forum of geoparks and  tourism,geoparks guides      (観光フォーラム・ガイドフォーラム)


Children forum(子どもフォーラム)


 Public forum of geopark and disaster prevention(防災フォーラム)


 Mid-conference excursion (Visiting Hot Springs and   Active Fault)   中日巡検(温泉断層コース)


Mid-conference excursion(Exploring the Origins of  Shimabara Peninsula)     中日巡検(島原半島成り立ちコース)


Mid-conference excursion(Retracting the Shimabara Castrophe and Heisei Eruption   中日巡検(島原大変平成噴火コース)


Conference dinner (ディナーパーティー)


Closing Ceremony(閉会式)